Soul/Monad Mantra by Djwhal Khul

I AM the Soul, I AM the Light Divine,

I AM Love, I AM Will, I AM Fixed Design.

I AM the Monad, I AM the Light Divine,

I AM Love, I AM Will, I AM Fixed Design.

This mantra was brought to us by Ascended Master Djwhal Khul through Alice Bailey. It is the mantra of the Great White Brotherhood. It is an extremely powerful mantra to invoke your "Soul/Higher Self" and "Monad/God Presence". This is also an excellent mantra to assist with the building of your Antakarana (Rainbow Bridge). Using this mantra you build a rainbow bridge to your Soul (I AM Presence) and your Monad (God Presence - group soul) as well as to other extraterrestrial, celestial and Angelic origins, (your divine councils).

What is a Monad?

The "Soul" is your first "Higher Self". This Soul, is one of at least 11 other Souls created by your "God Presence", or your "Monad" (your Super Higher Self). Your Monad consists of at least 12 Souls (the extensions from that Monad), and 144 Soul Extensions, (the extensions from those Souls). These soul extensions may be strewn out across space, time and dimension. Some may be on this planet, but many or most may not.

Activating the Soul Star (13th chakra) and Earth Star Chakras are extremely important to your process of awakening, ascension and grounding of your "God Presence". Using the Soul/Monadic Mantra facilitates this nicely. You could essentially use your Soul Star chakra for just about anything you might need in your body, such as healing a specific ailment. Using the Soul Star in your process, activates and intensifies it's energy and makes it a
part of you and a tool for your awakening and activation. It literally burns away all the crap that you have accumulated "soulularly" and genetically. All the thought forms, traumas, memories, beliefs, limitations, etc...

How does the Soul Mantra work?

1. Saying, "I AM the Soul" and "I AM the Monad", are extremely powerful and affirms the fact that they are indeed you, and that you are not separate. "I AM the Soul" invokes this I AM Presence, the Solar Angel Self. "I AM the Monad" affirms and acknowledges that you are indeed this God-Goddess Presence/Wholeness.

2. Decreeing, "I AM the Light Divine?" activates the "Rainbow Fire"; your Rainbow Bridge to the higher dimensions; your connection to heaven and earth.

3. "I AM Love" acknowledges what you truly are and invokes the Rose-Pink Love color/light/energy of the Soul Star, which floods your Central Channel.

4. "I AM Will" invokes the purple, brilliant clear red, white and/or indigo blue colors into your Central Channel.

5. "I AM Fixed Design" activates your chakras and psychic centers within your Central Channel.

6. The "Fixed Design", is your personal Divine Plan or Soul Mission, which of course, is in complete alignment with the Divine Plan. It is totally related to your Divine Function, or what you have come here to accomplish on planet earth in the New Civilization of Light. It is also a reminder of your Divine Essence, that true and divine essence (that you truly are), that never changes throughout time, space and dimension.

It is recommended to begin all mantras with this mantra as it activates your Soul/Monad, creating a space to receive.

You can find the CD at

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