Reiki and Breast Cancer

by Alan M Ronkin PhD
(South Easton,MA USA)

I and another Reiki Master work in concert to heal breast cancer.

In some instanced we have alleviated pain and discomfort in other a cure was assisted.

As a a man I find it difficult to work one on one with a breast cancer victim as the issue of sexuality is very real.

Patty Flucas Barnes a Reiki Master and I have combined forces to work on and help heal these women.

In cancer I find that touch is of the essence and therefore Patty gets permission to touch and I reinforce Patty's energy and the transferral or grounding of negativity.

Patty is also a medical empath which allows us to work in concert, avoiding conflict and doubling the healing energy transferred to the patient.

With my assisting Patty and the fact that as an empath Patty has the ability to not keep negativity of any type we have had some major league successes.

One of our patients had spots on her lungs and liver, in addition to masses in her breast.

After ten Reiki treatments the spots disappeared in both locations and after five additional treatments her cancer appeared re-mediated.

It is now seven years post treatment and she is still cancer free.

She continues to use Reiki as reinforcement to the continued health of her immune system.

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May 03, 2008
Healing Hands of Reiki
by: Anonymous

It is absolutely incredible to hear of such reinforcement of that which many of us already know.

Reiki Works!

Reiki lives - in all of us. With some time, guidance and practice we can all heal, ourselves and the world around us.

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