Interview - ONE on ONE with KIMBERLE TAITANO

Kimberlehe Taitano

Thank you Kimberle Taitano Certified Psychic & Channel, Spiritual Healer, Intuitive Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Ordained Minister Universal Life Church for agreeing to be interviewed for Healing Journeys Energy. Read on and discover the woman dedicated to bringing enlightenment and positive life affirming tools & techniques to empower, transform, and encourage self-growth in others. You will find a link to her website Healing from Within at the end of this interview.

~Find Yourself and Live Your Passion~

  • At what age did you realize you were different or searching for the "unknown"?

I was born with my intuitive gifts as a Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Empath, Channel and Psychic Medium so as a child I thought everyone saw, and communicated with Angels and spirits.

  • How did you approach this?

At 4 years old I was told that using my gifts was bad and not to use or tell anyone about the abilities I had. So I shut them away. Until the Divine interjected to get my attention in the form of a heart attack while in emergency surgery I had a near death experience I died for 2.1 seconds. As a result all my gifts all at once came to the surface. Through those healers I found a spiritual Psychic healer who guided and taught me how to use, and increase my gifts as well as accept and allow them to flow freely.

  • Were your family supportive or understanding of you?

Yes in general, but as with most people they do not really fully understand my abilities or what I actually do.

  • Has your journey been a struggle to find your own identity?

A struggle, a battle, a joy, a heart break, a gift of enlightenment, and a curse all sometimes at once. But from where I am at this moment it so far has been the biggest gift, blessing that I have ever fought for and attained.

  • What was the turning point for you that lead you to where you are today?

Several significant situations, the moment after my heart attack and realizing the moment had come for me to embrace my life purpose, my reason for being here was now. Yes I had a choice to not accept who I was and declare the gifts I was given or not. In the end accepting my true purpose and putting it to action has led me down the path of enlightenment and true awareness.

  • What do you feel your purpose is in this incarnation?

To use the amazing intuitive gifts God blessed me with as his channel, his vessel for his healing light in order to give those who I work with empowerment, faith, hope, love, knowledge, truth and the tools they need to fulfill their own purpose.

  • What are your dreams for your future?

Aside from my personal goals of raising a family, to always "check in" with myself and where I am to grow spiritually, to remain a pure channel of Gods light. And to uphold the standards and integrity I set and to deliver every message from The Divine I get with compassion, love, non-judgment and clarity.

  • What makes your heart sing?

My God Son's laugh as he runs to greet me.

  • Describe yourself... the real you.

A dedicated work in progress!

For over ten years Kimberle Taitano has proudly used her psychic gifts to help others grow, change, recover and embrace their authentic selves, as a Psychic Healer, Intuitive Life Coach and Reiki Practitioner you can contact her on her website Healing from Within.

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> > Interview - Kimberle Taitano

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