Crystal Layouts & Grids for Energetic Balance & Karmic Upliftment

by Ashley Dalke
(Madison, Wisconsin, United States)

Ashley Dalke

Ashley Dalke

Karma is the Universal/Cosmic Law of Divine Justice.

It holds one accountable for one's actions, whether they are good or bad. Basically, one will receive what one sends out to the Universe.

Our past lives can affect our current karma. Past lives are previous incarnations in which one's soul lived in another time and/or place in another physical body. It may be necessary to heal past lives because it can help one to deal with negativity in this life that has been carried over from previous lives (and from the karma, which attached to the psychic body, resulting from the soul's choices in these lives).

By healing negativity in one's past lives, one can move forward along the path of healing in one's current life.

Using crystals during meditation to heal past lives can be done by holding them in the hands or against the 6th chakra (Third Eye/3rd Eye/ Brow Chakra). Crystals have the ability (when combined with a clear intent) to clear etheric blockages by opening and balancing one's energy system. A crystal grid can also be utilized during meditation to release negativity from one's past lives.

I have created several wonderful crystal healing layouts/gridding systems.

The first crystal healing layout that I have developed is in the form of the Buddhist Wheel of the Dharma.

This grid should be made entirely of double-terminated Tibetan Quartz. Although the Tibetan Quartz are most compatible for this exercise, it is not necessary that they be used (other stones may be substituted if you intuitively feel that they would be more helpful in the given situation). I have found that this crystal layout is best used for Karmic Release during a past life ascension healing session.

The grid should be layed out upon and around the person's body (with the centre of the Wheel placed at the heart), or on a picture of the person (or group of people) to be healed. The grid can be as large or small as you like and there is no particular number of crystals that needs to be used.

The second grid that I have developed is based upon the Tibetan symbols for each of the chakras.

I developed this grid for general chakra healing and energetic balance. In this crystal healing grid, the Tibetan chakra symbols are created out of crystals and placed on the appropriate chakra of the body.

Ashley Dalke is a Certified Master of Crystology and is Endorsed and Accredited in the Melody Level I & Level II Laying-On-Of-Stones & Laying-On-Of-Hands Workshops. Her certification attests that she has displayed the knowledge, principles, and integrity of the Universal Light Force. She has attained initiation and knowledge of natural healing with crystals and minerals, and has demonstrated proficiency in administering hands-on healing through the universal energy of crystals/minerals. Ashley is also certified in Gemstone & Crystal Healing by the Institute for Massage & Spa Therapy Education which is accredited by the Institute for Therapeutic Massage (ITM) and by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation. She has also successfully completed and received certification in the Alaya Crystal Healing Course given through Sacred Earth Holistic Centre and the Reiki Center of Venice which is approved by the National certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.

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