Self Affirmations - You're Worth It!

Self Affirmations is a powerful method that can affect and change your behavior and habits. It is an effective method for self improvement and for improving one's life.

Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got. ~Janis Joplin~

If you pay attention to what is going in your mind, you will discover that the mind is in a constant state of thinking. You can use this to your advantage by using affirmations to direct your mind toward achievement and success instead of occupying it with useless or negative thinking.

Wanna Know Why?

We are ALL capable of far more than we think we are.

Positive Self Affirmations or positive self-talk were summarised by the late Robert Anton Wilson when he said "what the thinker thinks, the prover proves", very wise words indeed.

Positive Self Affirmations are:

  • positive healing self-scripts that you give to yourself to counter your negative self-scripts
  • a way by which you can free yourself from the over-dependence on other's opinions, attitudes, or feelings about you and feel good about yourself
  • positive self-scripts that enable you to take personal responsibility for your health and emotional stability
  • a way of visualizing a new order and sense in your life, which you can work toward achieving
  • self-scripts that allow you to give yourself permission to grow, to change, to take risks, to rise up, and to create a better life for yourself
  • the recognition of your rights and affirming your claim on these rights, iving you an equitable chance of achieving your fullest potential
  • success prophecies that, when visualized, imagined, or believed in, do come true

Here's a truth for you... far too often, people beat themselves up all day long, so focused on the negative, never once looking at the positive.

WHY NOT break the habit of putting yourself down all the time and start a new habit of patting yourself on the back, it's ok, you're allowed.

I believe I am...

  • a unique and precious human being.
  • my own best friend and my own worst enemy.
  • a loveable and loving person.
  • capable of realizing my potential.
  • self-respecting.
  • responsible for my own behaviour.
  • learning from my mistakes.
  • creating a joyful life.
  • an important part of the universe !!

Starting right now, commit to practicing positive self-affirmations, look around at all the good that surrounds you, you'll be surprised how much better you feel. When you practice Positive Affirmations or self-talk on a daily basis before you know it, it will become a habit and let's face it...

Self Affirmations

That you are, so much so that you deserve to be in and have control of your life and health which is not as difficult as you may have been led to believe, and lets be honest what could be a better investment?


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