Reiki - Final Presentation

As mentioned in my earlier blog I had chose the subject of Reiki for my final Presentation. I had totally finished my “Shoden” beginners level and over the 2 weekends I had got good practical knowledge from the 2 tutors as well as the basic principles and background history.

I used the information from the 2 Master Reiki teachers as my main background information. We were given a book that covered everything we needed to know for the first level.

Over the 2 weekends I found I had moved forward on to a new path and the Reiki really suited me. Working with an energy that was not really visible to the Human eye and trying to show that it does work in my demonstration was going to be difficult but I had confidence in the Reiki as well as my basic knowledge of the subject.

There are lots of forms of Reiki and I found information on the internet conflicting. The Reiki teachers that we had had links to one of the 20 original Japaneese Reiki masters.

The history began with a man called Mikao Usui he was the founder of Reiki. He was born in Japan near the famous Mt Kurama on the 15th of August 1865. He was very well trained in Tendi Buddhism, Shinyoism, Zen and all this is thought to be linked with Reiki.

Usui in his later life became very lost through his Ideas of what his purpose of his life about. He was so lost he decided to go and see a Zen Master for help. The Zen Master said “If you want to find the meaning of Life then die”. Usui thought about this and decided to do that he climbed Mt Kurama and fasted. He decided that he would stay there untill he found the answer or he would die. After 21 days he got his message he became enlightened with his new idea and Reiki was developed.

The meaning of Reikiin its simple form is Universal Life Force Energy. People may be born with it and may lose the intunement in time. A Reiki Master has the ability to tune a person into the energy. Reiki is also the same energy used in Tai Chi as well as other more physical Martial Arts. As well as some believe its powers were used to move the statues of Easter Island. Reiki is not used by force it is an energy that is used for healing all problems. The energy comes from a Universal source and is directed by a person that is intune with the energy to a person who requires the healing.

After Reiki was invented Usui had practices and also taught it to people and on of them was Chujiro Hayashi. He was trained by Usui in 1925 and Hayashi eventually started his own Society and Practice. He used Usui teachings and he also taught the use of intuition and scanning the body for weak areas that needed healing.

One day a new patient arrived. Her name was Hawayo Takata.

Takata was suffering from Cancer and before she met Hayashi she had come from Hawaiwhere she lived back to her home country for surgery on her tumor. As she was on the surgeons table ready to be cut open and have the tumor removed she decided she couldn’t go through with it and she asked the surgeon for an alternative treatment. He her about Reiki and Hayashi’s clinic. She went there was treated and cured of her illness and eventually got trained by Hayashi and she took Reiki out of Japan and to the West. a spread the Reiki message and Hayashi killed himself through voulantery suicide. A custom that was actually respected in Japan. He put himself to death because the Japaneese wanted him and Reiki to be involved in the War but Hayashi said no and through Takata he new that Reikiwouldn’t be lost and it was free of Japan with the hope iy may come back after the War.

Takata taught 22 Reiki masters spread it across the West and did the Job of what she thought Usui had wanted and Reiki grew. And as you know it is here today. It is still alive in Japan as well as the West.

Later Usui’s grave was found on Mt Kurama and on his grave the principles were found. (They are on one of my Power Point presentation slides)

So through 3 people Reiki was there in the World for everyone to benefit from.

Through my presentation that was filmed by Rob our class tutor I gave a run down of the History as mentioned I covered the principles and then I gave a ddemonstration and guided the class through what exactly I was doing at each stage. I covered dry bathing this is used to get negative energy away from yourself. I also did the Hatsurei which is a way of charging yourselfup with the energy.

I felt very happy with my presentation and I even brought my candle, Josh stick, sage and some nice soothing ambient music to make the demonstration more interesting for people the class and the tutor.

I felt I gained good confidence from my presentation especially the practical side of it as most people frown and ridicule anything Spiritual or different.

I felt rather nervous at first but when I started to do my practical demonstration It just flowed and I really enjoyed it. I used a volunteer for the practical presentation and he was calm and relaxed and it went well.

Universal Luv To Ya

Ben Zulu Parker

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