Healing and Truth

by Jennifer Taylor

What does healing mean for me?

I believe that the 'process' of healing has many layers with the ultimate goal of discovering and remembering Truth. Each layer is a dismantling and full discovery of the numerous paradigm (habits and thought patterns) that we each old within our mind and body. When we get to the place of being the observer of our thoughts, that is when the healing beginnings. Observing each thought and personal habit, then asking and remembering where that originated...this is when a paradigm shift occurs. What one discovers is that each thought and habit has been taught/ passed down to us from generation to generation. Most of these thoughts, habits and agreements were not of our own creation. We did, however, agree with each and every one of them...giving them meaning and life for us. When we can fully see this pattern and realize that , in the moment we have agreed and believed in them (believing them to be truth), we released our own power to the looping mind which produced sabotage and torture. Hence the the need for healing.

One would then need to ask the self...where did all those thoughts in your head originate from? Were they yours? Where they your parents, grandparents, friends, outside influences? Would you make those same agreements now? Would you place your beliefs in those again? Each question and answer allows you to take and own your Divine power, provide healing and ultimate peace...for in each of these moments you replace the pain with love.

You, the being, are truth...everything outside of You is relative truth. Relative truth needs you to agree and place your beliefs in them for them to have life. Remembering and knowing that you have the power to either remain in the place that you have originated (Truth, Love, Peace, Joy) or a self inflicted prison (sabotoge, guilt, fear, resentment, judgement). Each moment, each thought, each agreement, each belief is a choice of either love or pain.

This is the process of healing for me. Thank you. I bow and honor the Truth.

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