May these Words of Wisdom, light your journey and leave footprints of love in your heart bringing you hope, joy, happiness and health in body, mind and spirit.
Today's W O W

To your magnificence, walk in love
YOU already POSSESS the most PRECIOUS of GIFTS!
. . . A magnificently splendid SELF-HEALING BODY!
You also possess the ability overcome disease and to rejuvenate!
Would you like to rely on your magnificent God-given powers to self-heal? - YES!
Would you like to stop relying on something from outside of you to heal you? - YES!
A fully functioning, fully nourished energy body, with all systems on line and exchanging energy freely with the Universe at every level is something that you CAN have and you CAN experience what that would be like, for the possibilities inherent beyond your current state of being is within your reach. So if you’re ready to take the self-healing route and actualize joyous, vibrant disease-free health, then this course is for you.
The Human Energy Body Course
New Release - HJE Pocket Book Series!
Crystal Healing eBooks - Study Tools and Aids ... All for under $5!
HJE's Crystal Healing Pocket Book Series
Healing is a journey... the destination is YOU!
Healing Yourneys Energy - School of Energy Healing
With a little self-confidence, success-minded motivation, a little creativity, a winners attitude, some effective communication and positive thinking, properly organized, we can make order and clarity out of any chaotic set of circumstances.
Download NOW - E-Book - A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
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